Dian sastro very sweet but she will belong to people and employers again again the target of the celebrities we well what can I say that the fate

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Dian Sastrowardoyo marriage with children Indraguna Sutowo businessman had its day. Tuesday (18 / 5) was waiting to say their vows to live together.

And on this day, housed in the residence is being held Dian Sastro study, which was a series of wedding procession.

When asked whether Pingit Dian will run the process, through Rulli Chaerul Azwar, uncle of Sastro Dian, Dian will seclusion when the ceremony later.

"It's customary Yogya, pingitannya fitting consent granted. Later when the contract there is only groom and their witnesses and the guardian wrote, after a legitimate new bride arrived," he said when contacted by cell phone.

Rulli also explained that the recitation event today invited only relatives and close relatives only. To request that the peak of the event will run smoothly.

"Pengajian only relatives of the family wrote, this study we did before the great celebration of God's blessing to ask waged," he said.

Events illegitimate contract will be held on May 18 at the Hotel Dharmawangsa and for the reception will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan on May 22, 2010. The plan will be held tomorrow, followed by midodareni spray.
