On the previous post I was writing about Nadila Ernesta Photo Scandal, and today I will provide you with some Julia Perez Photo. Julia Perez is an Indonesia actress, she also a dangdut singer wich are quite famous on TV, a few while ago she try to start her politic career and try to join the mayor election at Pacitan, east java. Since she’s quite popular know as sexy and hot actress many people are making prank for her plan. Here are some photoshop edited picture of her.

but unfortunatelly, becouse of her undetermined plan on joined the election, she was disqulified. The last news about her is about Julia Perez Photo that are touching other, here are the pictures.

oh I forgot to tell you, this picture was taken during her shoot on her film, its horor movie, so don’t bother to think why is the woman on the right and Julia Perez eyes look a bit scary.
A soccer tournament told many stories. Not just from the field or the dressing room. There always be a story in pre and post the game in both sides of winner and loser.
Supporter is one of essential element in soccer game. They made the stadium vivid and mostly some players took center stage.
But apparently, not this time. This is story about the coach and a tabloid darling. Several days ago, Rahma Azhari shocked twitter users in Indonesia by releasing her picture with Simon McMenemy, Philippines soccer coach few days ago.
Both were directly climb up into trending topics in
A well-known Philippines website cited Rahma-Simon photo at front page. That picture uploaded by Rahma Azhari herself on her twitter account.
Photo was taken on Sunday night (19/12/2010) in a nightclub in Jakarta after Philippines was beaten 1-0 by the host.
That photo spread in viral in the timeline she retweet from one of her friends. Rahma Azhari standing between two guys, don a sexy blue dress.
One guy on the picture is the coach, looked so affectionate, and embracing Rahma. There was also a second photo.
Simon McMenemy, Rahma Azhari, and another unknown woman. And the third photo just the two: Rahma Azhari and Simon.
In addition to the photos from Coach of Philippines also circulated photographs of the Philippines players, among others are the Younghusband brothers.
Rahma insist Simon is just a friend. She said that he is a lovely person, and she was glad to meet him. They had a great-time clubbing.
Many twitter users retweet and commenting on those photos. Many of them envy Rahma for being so close with the coach.
When she found out her photographs in circulation, Rahma blushed in shame. But she seemed satisfied could spend the night with the coach.
In the very latest news, Rahma Azhari got steamy lip-locked with a new guy in a bathtub. And that guy is absolutely not Simon McMenemy.
Syahrini make public eyes widened to see the photos at once hot with younger managers, Aisyahrani (Rani). Hot pose Syahrini and Rani remind the public with Azhari sisters, namely Ayu, Sarah, and Rahma.
It was common knowledge, Ayu sisters, Sarah, and Rahma Azhari frequent indulgence in beauty body through sexy pose in a number of photographs. Still recorded clearly in the public memory, photos Sarah and Rahma was taking a shower in the shower the appalling mass media in late 2008.
Not after the shower scene photo, Rahma again make a scene with the emergence of hot photos that later revealed as a piece of movie scenes Pocong Next Room. There are also photos Rahma in the jacuzzi was a kiss with a male Caucasian. Photos with Caucasians was actually an old photograph, but recalled after circulating photos Rahma with the Philippine national team coach Simon McMenemy at a place of entertainment tonight.
Her sister, Ayu Azhari also been a sensation with the emergence of hot videos in the shower with bule man.
Yes, Azhari family did not escape the sensation. Despite frequent controversy, Ayu, Sarah, and Rahma as already immune. They are still trying to exist in the universe of entertainment. Additions to form the Trio Angel.
Goes wild furor clan Azhari photo scandal began to fade. Now in mid-2011, the brothers were photographed Syahrini and Rani. Bogor singer who is also a former friend Anang Hermansyah duet that makes tantrum with a circulation of exciting photos with Rani. At first nobody thought it could pose brothers so hot.
The first time the photos were stomping the virtual world on Saturday, May 14, 2011. In some photos Syahrini posing with several artists like Daniel Mananta and Barry Manilow.
With men like Daniel, Syahrini seen embraced just below her left breast. Similar Pose apparent when Syahrini with men like Glenn. They sat in a chair with Syahrini leaned on Glenn. Glenn's right hand crossed over the chest singer from Bogor.
Other photos show women like Rani kissing on a bed with a man. There are also photos with style ala Rani ABG showed her breasts. In another photo, the artist who reportedly often clubbing it was posing with two women about to kiss.
This is not the first time the issue was rocked Syahrini hot photos. Previously, penembang Unusual that I also never make a scene because it posed intimate with a man named Antoine Nuna Caucasians who later recognized as a friend.
Related circulation of photos that are recognized as private collections and dijepret approximately year 2008-2009, the Syahrini through its legal counsel, Warsito, has complained to police. Actors spread which claimed it would have already known Syahrini snared article 45 paragraph 1 of Act No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transaction, with a maximum penalty of six years in prison.
Some photos hot sexy artist Syahrini even clubbing with her sister, Aisyahrani widely on the Internet. About eight photographs featuring former duet partner Anang Hermansyah was posing pretty seductive even erotic.
Some photos show scenes of ground water poses Syahrini with a number of artists, you name it Daniel or Daniel Mananta VJ and singer Barry Manilow. And the number of men and women who are not so publicly known.
The spread of photographs under the title 'Wild Hot Scandal Photos Syahrini clubbing Together Some Men are also shown Daniel raises his arms right Syahrini chest.
In one photo appears Syahrini wearing a towel, as if out of shampoo from the bathroom. Meanwhile, in another photo, which appeared Syahrini posing in bed, dressed in all-blue.